Dr Kishore Jha

Our goal is to provide state-of-the-art diagnostic pathology services while achieving excellence in pathology research and education. We hope you will allow us to care for you and strive to be the first and the best choice for healthcare. We continuously strive to deliver the highest possible standard of care to undeserved patient populations and beyond through innovation and excellence in the areas of Pathology Education, Research and Diagnostic and Medicine.

– Dr Kishore Jha

M.B.B.S , D.P.B
Pathologist & Transfusion Consultant

The Best Healthcare Services

Our Solutions

Health Benefits of Donating Blood

Giving blood can

Home Visits

At Dr. kishore Jha Healthhub, we provide home visits for patients. For us, a home visit when required is not just a service but a sense of comfort for everyone- the doctor, the patient and the family members. Our medically equipped and trained staff members can offer hassle free blood collection at the patient’s convenience at his home or office. During every procedure, we maintain the highest standard of healthcare practices.

At Dr. kishore Jha Healthhub,, we understand the challenges that senior citizens face in terms of mobility. With that in mind, we have begun to offer services that combine customer focus with advanced technology. Starting with Mumbai, Dr. kishore jha Healthhub provides X-ray facility at home. This is a convenient, hassle-free service with a portable X-ray machine that is operated by well-qualified medical assistants. This enables basic bone diagnosis in the comfort of your home. 

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